The trusted source for accurate, in-depth, competent analyses.
When it comes to appraisals, you have a lot of choices. All licensed appraisers have the training to practice in the business, but it takes years of experience to be competent in this field. The appraisers at Cordry understand that it takes a lot more than just time and effort to be considered among the upper echelon in our field. It takes a sense of pride in your ability. Our appraisers work diligently every day, applying the knowledge that comes with each and every assignment and honing their craft.
In other words, our personnel are not content to cover the basics of the appraisal problem to complete an assignment, but instead dig deeper, reach farther, and explore more. We keep an open mind and constantly seek out the opinions, motivations, and perspective of the owners, developers, brokers, bankers, and other professionals that shape and fuel the real estate market. We use and embrace our years of experience and the vast library of data we have available and consider it our greatest resource, using it to provide the most accurate appraisals in the industry.
That is the Cordry difference, and that is how we earn your trust.