Cordry Appraisal Services has the education and experience to offer the following specialty analyses:
- Brownfields
- Condemnation services
- Eminent domain
- Blight studies
- Right-of-way takings
- Disposition and liquidation valuations
- Estate planning
- Green buildings
- Highest and best use analyses
- Historic properties
- Litigation support
- Ad valorem tax appeals/consultation
- Appraisal review
- Bankruptcy/foreclosure
- Consultation
- Divorce
- Expert witness testimony
- Leasehold valuation
- Partial interest valuations
- Portfolio valuation
- Public Financing Valuations and Analyses
- Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
- Economic Activity Tax (EATs)
- Community Improvement District (CID)
- Transportation Development District (TDD)
- Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRBs)
- Low Income Housing Tax Credits
- Affordable Housing Tax Credits
- HUD rent studies
- State historic tax credits
- Federal historic tax credits
- Replacement cost
- Value in use
- Wetlands